Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 1

Jimmy’s Story

This story is before A Life of a Vampire.

Chapter 1

(This happens when Jimmy is 10 years old.)

“I wish Jimmy will stop believing in vampires.” Said Abe to Bea as they clean up the kitchen. Bea nods her head in agreement. “He is also buying a lot of books about vampires as well.” Said Bea. They continue their jobs not relize Jimmy was listening to them. He shakes his head and walks back to his room. He takes out his book and starts to read it. He also thinks to himself “If I want to believe in vampires I can.” As he continues to read.

He is still reading when his dad enters his room. “Jimmy, I wish you can stop this nonsense about vampires.” Said Abe as he looks at Jimmy. Jimmy is shocked what his dad just said. “Why?” Jimmy asks as he puts his book down. “They are not real, you could be playing outside with the other kids.” Abe said as he looks around the room. “There are hardly any kids here. I rather read then hang out with the wrong crowd. I do believe there are vampires out there, they don’t like show up when we are awake.” Said Jimmy getting a little mad.

“Your mother and I keep telling you there is no such things as vampires. So I want you to stop this nonsense now.” Said Abe very angrily to Jimmy. “How? You believe others stuff that I don’t, so why can’t I believe in something different?” Said Jimmy glaring at his father. “Plus we want you to stop wasting your money on these books as well.” Continues Abe. Jimmy just looks at his father angrily “I rather buy these books then drugs or other bad stuff.” Said Jimmy getting angrier. Abe just shakes his head and leaves the room.

(Later that night.)

“Jimmy supper.” Shouts Bea to Jimmy. Jimmy comes down and sits down at his spot. “Your father and I are planing to clean your room to get rid of that vampire stuff.” Said Bea. Jimmy is shocked to hear this. “Why cause I believe in vampires? Do you ever care how I feel when you treat me like this? I go to school keeping my grades up. I rather spend time reading about vampires then hang out with other kids my age.” Said Jimmy as he leaves the table. Both Abe and Bea was shocked to hear this as they watch Jimmy leaves the kitchen.

(The next Day.)

Bea and Abe went into Jimmy’s room to start to clean those books when they notice all the books are gone. They notice Jimmy sitting on his bed. “What happen to your books?” asks Abe a bit surprised seeing no books there. “I hide them and I am not telling where. You are not getting rid of my stuff with out my permission. You can’t stop me believing in vampires.” Said Jimmy a bit cross now. Abe was shocked to hear this, “We don’t want to hear the word vampires any more or see any more books on vampires in this house.” Abe said firmly to Jimmy. Jimmy looks at him and doesn’t say anything. Both Abe and Bea leave Jimmy’s room. Jimmy goes back to write in his diary. “They can’t force me to stop believing what I am interested in.” Thought Jimmy as he continues writing.

“I hope Jimmy will stop this believing about vampires soon.” Said Abe as he grabs a book to read. “I am sure he will, he also needs to understand that they are not real as well. I am sure he will grow out of it.” Said Bea as she takes up her knitting needles.